لأول مره ندوات ومحاضرات ESHI (عربي)
انضم وشاهد سلسلة المحاضرات والندوات المتميزه عبر الإنترنت لمصروالدول العربيه (مجانا)
سوف يقوم مجموعة من المحاضرين المتميزين بمشاركة خبراتهم في مجال Hybrid imaging وإلقاء الضوء على تطبيقاتها الأساسيه والمتقدمه بين الطب النووي والأشعة التشخيصيه
قام بتنسيق الندوات د.محمود رزق
سفير الجمعية الأوروبيةESHI في مصر
بالتعاون مع الجمعية المصرية للأشعة والطب النووي
Webinar 3 – ندوه ثنائيه /محاضره
د. يحي عمر
26 سبتمبر
لوقت: 17:00
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Learning objectives
- How 68Gallium-DOTATATE tracer works and the exam procedure.
- Indications of the PET/CT exam.
- The role and benefit of the exam compared to other imaging studies.
- A brief introduction on its role in peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) using 177Lutetium-DOTATATE.
Teaser case
Can you guess the presenting symptoms of the patient according to these studies?
About the speaker
Dr. Yehia Omar, MD
Yehia Omar is a graduate of Cairo University, followed by postgraduate masters and doctorate degrees from Ain Shams University in radio-diagnosis and nuclear medicine. He is also working on the FRCR where he finished part 2A.
He has special interest in PET/CT oncology exams, and he is currently the director of PET/CT unit at one of the leading private centers in Cairo (Misr Radiology Center) which is the first site in Egypt to start Gallium tracers’ studies.
Webinar 3 – ندوه ثنائيه /محاضره
مي عمرو الاحمداوي
26 سبتمبر
لوقت: 17:00
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Learning objectives
- To recognise the underlying mechanism of uptake of [18F]FET-PET and its imaging protocol.
- To identify the main clinical indications for [18F]FET-PET in gliomas.
- To illustrate the added value of [18F]FET-PET when combined with routine MRI
For more than three decades, radiolabeled amino acids have been used in the field of neuro-oncology. O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine (FET) is an artificial amino acid for PET taken up into upregulated tumoral cells. The use of FET has grown rapidly in recent years. It has been shown to be useful to assess tumor extent, primary tumor grade, differentiate tumor recurrence from treatment related changes and assess therapy response in brain gliomas.
About the speaker
Dr. Mai Amr Elahmadawy
- Lecturer of Nuclear Medicine, National Cancer Institute (NCI), Cairo university (From 9/2015 till now)
- Consultant of Nuclear Medicine, Children’s Cancer Hospital Egypt, CCHE (from 3/2013 till now).
- Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Brain tumor imaging group, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Juelich research center, Germany (from 01/02/2019 till 31/07/2019)
- DAAD Post-doctoral Research Grant holder “GERSS- scholarship , 2018”
- Fellowship at University hospital RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany (from 16/06/2019 till 16/07/2019)
- Associate Editor of “Egyptian Journal of Nuclear Medicine” (from2014 till now)
4 يوليو
لوقت: 17:00
محاضرين: ا.د. أحمد وفائي
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The lecture provides a short overview of the various clinical applications of FDG PET/CT highlightening its advantages over the conventional imaging modalities. The lecture will also discuss the basic principles, patient preparation and interpretation of the PET/CT studies and value of the study in the different clinical sittings.
Learning objectives:
- Understand the basic principles of FDG PET/CT.
- Know the proper patient preparation for an effective and clinically valuable study.
- Be familiar with the normal physiological FDG uptake and benign conditions that simulate malignancy.
- Provide an overview of the important clinical sittings (in images) that benefit from the study.
About the speaker
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Wafaie MD, FRCR
Professor of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University
Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists
PET/CT Consultant for over 9 years
5 أغسطس
لوقت: 17:00
محاضرين:أ.د. أحمد طلعت
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The lecture discusses the following three points regarding PET/MRI hybrid imaging:
- PET/MRI paused and lagged behind for about a decade after the clinical birth of PET/CT. The reasons for that delay are discussed and also how they have been solved out. This highlights the evolution of the physics behind PET/MRI hybrid scanners.
- The clinical indications and potential benefits of PET/CT and PET/MRI are summarized.
- Whether hybrid PET/MRI or just side by side comparison of MRI and PET/CT is expected to prevail in future practice?; This is a remaining question that calls for further researches.
Learning outcome
- The technology we are using today was not born as such, but came out as the product of long trials, researches and experiments.
- Understanding the indications of hybrid imaging helps for better utilization of resources with resultant saving of time and money.
- Future use and employment of the latest technology is governed by evidences derived/concluded from researches and trials.
About the speaker
Dr. Khairy is a Senior Consultant and the Nuclear Medicine core faculty at the Department of Clinical Imaging, of Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC). He is double qualified, obtained his MSc and MD in Radiology from Ain Shams University (Cairo) in 1979 and 1985 respectively, stepped up through different academic posts at that University until he got his professorship in 1997. He also obtained MSc and PhD in Nuclear medicine, from the University of London (UK), in 1984 and 1993 respectively. He devoted his practice to Nuclear Medicine since the early Eighties.
Dr. Khairy published several articles, supervised and acted as examiner of many MSc and MD thesis and delivered many presentations at international and local meetings. He joined HMC in October 2009, headed the curriculum review committee and the panel that revise and evaluate internal audits submitted by the residents. He is a member of other committees including the clinical competency committee, program evaluation committee, policy review committee and the residents’ education committee. As the Nuclear Medicine Core Faculty, he is responsible for and actively participates in Residents’ education and training. In 2018 he was elected as the “Best Teacher” and awarded for that.