Follow the latest news about ESHIMT and on hybrid imaging here
Video: Interview with ESHIᴹᵀ President Thomas Beyer on going hybrid
Philipp Ward from AuntMinnie talked to Thomas Beyer, PhD, MBA, to reflect on current issues for hybrid imaging and on his first year as president of ESHIᴹᵀ.
We put a spotlight on hybrid imaging centers in Europe.
Nuclear Medicine Department at Hospital Sant Pau (Barcelona, Spain)
We visited Dr. Ignasi Carrio, Professor for Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, at the Nuclear Medicine department of Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona, Spain. We filmed two videos in order to give you a good impression of the facilies at this hybrid imaging department.
Register for our free online lectures on hybrid imaging here.
– only for members –
Date: May 29, 2019
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Beyer (Vienna/AT)
Registration: Click here!
Have a look at our maps of installed PET/CT and PET/MRI systems in Europe.
We counted 62 installed PET/MR systems in Europe…View the map here!
We counted 932 installed PET/CT systems in total… View the map here!

Thank you to all 2,400 participants of CHILI and another 1’000 persons that watched the recording after the conference! Thank you for the interest and the support, you helped to make CHILI one of the hottest events this year!
Broadcast live from a studio in Barcelona, the Conference on Hybrid Imaging Live provided the participants with a hot mix of lectures, round table discussions and interesting clips and videos on hybrid imaging!
In order to serve our members and the community better we like to offer to be your first point of contact in search of more information on hybrid imaging. If you have questions like:
- I like to set-up a hybrid imaging programme, where do I start?
- I like to use hybrid imaging for my clinical work, who do I partner with?
- How can I liaise with other people who use hybrid imaging for specific clinical indications?
- How can I employ the benefits of hybrid imaging in oncology, neurology, cardiology, radiation oncology and other fields?
- Can you help me harmonize my hybrid imaging protocols?
- What training programmes are available for early adopters or advanced users of hybrid imaging?
- ….
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